Young Atom Opticians Conference 2024
Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th 2024

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Bonjour, Wecome to YAO 2024!

The Young Atom Opticians conference (YAO) is an annual meeting aimed at PhD and master students in the field of atomic, molecular, optical and quantum physics. Its goal is to provide the perfect platform for young researchers to share their work, to learn from peers and experts and to connect with the international AMO and Quantum community.

YAO 2024 is organized by PhD students from the Centre Européen de Sciences Quantiques (CESQ), together with Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn, and will take place in Strasbourg from June 30th to July 5th 2024.



Conference Programme

Welcome Reception June 30, 2024
Conference The conference will begin at 8:45 am on July 1, 2024 and end at 3:00 pm on July 5, 2024.
Short Book of Abstracts The short version of YAO 2024 booklet
Long Book of Abstracts The long version of YAO 2024 booklet


Register for YAO 2024


Please apply for YAO 2024 by filling out the Registration Form and uploading an abstract of your submission. YAO encourages young researchers to offer a talk on their work to an international audience. If you apply for a talk, you will be notified if your submission has been accepted as a talk or is offered to present as a poster.

Abstracts are accepted in PDF format. Please name the PDF file in the format 'FirstName_LastName.pdf'. An abstract template can be downloaded directly here or via overleaf . If you don't have a Google Account allowing you to upload your abstract in the registration form, please fill out this alternative form and send us your abstract by email.

The registration deadline is April 7th 2024 . The applications will be reviewed and you shall be informed upon selection as soon as possible. Your participation is only fully confirmed upon the receipt of your conference fee.

Important Dates

Event Date
Application closing date April 7th, 2024
Notification of acceptance April 15th, 2024
Inscription & Payment April 28th, 2024

Conference Fees

Category Fee
Standard fees(including accomodation) 490 €
Reduced fee (without accomodation) 310 €
Limited QMat grants Free

NOTE: The conference fee covers the participation costs, accommodation with breakfast, lunches in the nearby cafeteria, social programme and the conference dinner. A limited amount of QMat students will be able to participate for free thanks to generous QMat funding.

Venue & Accomodation

Venue & Accomodation Details


The conference will take place in the main lecture hall of Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) in Esplanade, which is a Mixed Research Unit (UMR 7006) of CNRS and Université de Strasbourg.

Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires
8 Allée Gaspard Monge
67000 Strasbourg

It can be reached by taking tram lines C or F up to the station “Université” or by a 20 min walk from the city center.

ISIS location

The lab tours, for those who are interested, will take place at IPCMS and CESQ at the CNRS campus in Cronenbourg.


The included accommodation will be close to the train station and the city center. We split the number of participants equally into two hotels. One of them is City Résidence Strasbourg Centre (1 Rue des Magasins, twin studios), the other one is Séjours & Affaires Strasbourg Kleber (16 Rue Hannong, twin studios). ISIS can be reached from both within 25 minutes by public transportation.

We plan to split the rooms by gender. If you wish to share a room with a specific person, you can indicate this at a later point, together with the contact information for the conference fee wire transfer.


Frequently Asked Questions

I am a Bachelor student / I work on a different Quantum platform / etc. Is YAO suitable for me?

Excellent question. If you are a Master or PhD student in the field of Atomic, Molecular and optical physics, then surely! On the other hand, senior Bachelor students and junior Postdocs are also welcome. If you are not from the AMO Physics community in a strict sense, but you work on related topics or applications in Quantum Physics and fields such as quantum information science and technology, photonics etc. your application is also highly welcome. We made an effort this year to open up YAO to highlight cross-links to related quantum platforms and fields that share many of the concepts and technologies used in AMO physics.

Are there any grants covering the registration fee?

We are happy to announce that there is a limited number of grants available for both QMat and non-QMat students. Please let us know if you'd like to participate but are unable to obtain funding from your home institution.

How can I complete the fee payment?

Payment must be done via bank transfer or purchase order to Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn. We will send participants the payment information via email if accepted.

Can you book a single room for me?

Standard accommodation will be in double or triple rooms with separate beds. Single rooms are usually more expensive. If you desire a single room, we would prefer it if you book the hotel yourself or contact us so we can check with the hotel and let you know the increased fee.

Is local transport included in the registration fee?

Local transport during the conference is not included. However, there is a variety of tickets offered by CTS and we encourage you to find the one fitting your needs and to explore the city of Strasbourg by foot, bike or public transport.

Our Team

YAO 2024 is organised by PhD students from CESQ together with Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn.

We are: Manuel Morgado, Maximilian Müllenbach, Amar Bellahsene, Swayangdipta Bera, Matteo Bergonzoni, Tatiana Bespalova, Ruben Daraban, Clément Gradziel, Tanul Gupta, Dr. Anuja Padhye, Laura Pecorari & Vineesha Srivastava.

Our Scientific Advisory Committee helps in ensuring the high degree of scientific quality. They are: Prof. Guido Pupillo, Prof. Guillaume Schull & Prof. Shannon Whitlock

We thank Anna Guyon and Laurence Schmitt for the administrative support in organising the conference. We thank the Fondation Jean-Marie Lehn for co-organizing together with us.


Get In Touch

Do you seek further information?

Should you desire additional information or wish to delve deeper into any aspect, please do not hesitate to reach out and we will be more than happy to assist you.